This Thurday’s Tag: Intergalactic Book Tag!

This Thursday's Tag

I’m bringing back This Thursday’s Tag!

I’ll be giving my response to a few tags every other Thursday! Whether it’s a book-tuber tag or a blogger tag! I won’t be ‘tagging’ anyone as such, but you’re more than welcome to join in and do the tag as well! Just leave a link in my comments so I can check yours out!!



I heard about this from: Kristina at Kristina Horner

Original Tag: I think, technically it was made by a lot of other vloggers.

A link to the tag video/post: Intergalactic Book Tag!


Although I haven’t read the book that inspired this tag, I thought it was an interesting tag and had to do it!

1. Space: Name a book that is out of this world – that takes place in a world different from our own.
Wither by Lauren DeStefano. This book is set in a world where men die at 25 and women die at 20! And it is a great book! I’ll just ignore the next book in the series! XD
2. Black Hole: Name a book that completely sucked you in.
Recently, The Selection completely sucked me in. I was absolutely obsessed and really enjoyed being obsessed with it!
3. Lightspeed: Name a book you are anticipating so much that you wish you could travel at lightspeed to get to it.
Brave by Jennifer L Armentrout
The Struggle by Jennifer L Armentrout
Anything else Ernest Cline writes next…
4. Nebula: Name a book with a beautiful cover.
The Problem With Forever by Jennifer L Armentrout – The cover is just damn gorgeous!!
5. Multiverse: Name a companion set or spinoff series you love.
I love The Titan series that accompany’s The Covenant series by Jennifer L Armentrout!
6. Gravity: Name your favorite romantic pairing that seems to have gravitational pull to each other.
Upon writing this, my favourite romantic pairing is Eadlyn and Erik from The Crown.
7. The Big Bang: Name the book that got you started on reading.
Harry Potter by JK Rowling was the first set of books I read for myself that really sparked my love.
8. Asteroid: Name a short story or novella that you love.
I barely read any short stories or novella’s… But I have recently purchased a few bind ups of novellas, Stars Above by Marissa Meyer, Happily Never After by Kiera Cass and Cruel Crown by Victoria Aveyard. But I haven’t finished any of them yet!
9. Galaxy: Name a book with multiple POVs.
The Return by Jennifer L Armentrout
10. Spaceship: Name a book title that would be a great name for a spaceship.
I’m obviously not very good at this… but I’m going to go with Red Queen… I don’t know? Maybe that is more of a boat xD Oh well!

If you do this tag, please let me know in the comments down below so I can check it out!

This Thursday’s Tag: Totally Should’ve! Tag

This Thursday's Tag

I’m bringing back This Thursday’s Tag!

I’ll be giving my response to a few tags every other Thursday! Whether it’s a book-tuber tag or a blogger tag! I won’t be ‘tagging’ anyone as such, but you’re more than welcome to join in and do the tag as well! Just leave a link in my comments so I can check yours out!!



I heard about this from: Kat at Katytastic

Original Tag: Emma at emmabooks

A link to the tag video/post: Totally Should’ve!


I am not really sure how easy these questions will be for me to answer, but even if I have to spend hours thinking about it! I will answer all 11 questions! It is my mission! I accepted it! Here we go!

1. Totally should’ve gotten a sequel
The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West – It’s not that I wasn’t satisfied with the ending, it was just that I wanted more! I just wanted more!! *whine*
2. Totally should’ve had a spin off series
Hmmm… Obsession by Jennifer L.Armentrout. Now, I don’t mean this needed a spin off sereies of its own. It IS the spin off BOOK to accompany the Lux Series. However, I really would have loved for this to have been a SERIES! More Hunter! We need more Hunter!!
3. An author who totally should write more books
Ernest Cline. Even if his thing is always 80’s pop culture or video games… I don’t care, I just need more books by him. I loved Ready Player One and Armada, and so need more from him!
4. A character who totally should’ve ended up with someone else
Okay, so here is my dilemma… I really cannot think of a book that I’ve read where I wasn’t happy with the pairing… I read a few where I wasn’t happy with what I thought was going to be the pairing, but then the pairing that I had actually wanted did end up being the pairing (*cough* The Crown by Kiera Cass… and Every Last Breath by Jennifer L Armentrout*cough*).
5. Totally should’ve ended differently
Armada by Ernest Cline. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the ending, it was simply that I felt the ending was rushed and not done well enough. It was as though Ernest Cline was told you have 10 pages in order to end this book… and he didn’t fight for more pages… I don’t know… I just think it should have been different.
6. Totally should’ve had a movie franchise
House of Night by P.C and Kristin Cast. I would bloody love for this series to be a movie franchise!
7. Totally should’ve had a TV show
Die For Me by Amy Plum. I really do think that this would lend to a TV Show. I don’t honestly how it would work, or if others would even watch it. But I think I would love it!
8. Totally should’ve had only one point of view
I actually love multiple points of view… But I attempted to listen to the audiobook Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo and I just could’t work with the different POVs. But I’m not sure if that’s just because it was auidobook form, or if it’s really that annoying on paper too… But I am aware this doesn’t really count as an answer, as this book needs multiple POVs. So I’m sorry!
9. Totally should have a cover change
Lux Begginnings, Lux Consequences and Lux Opposition by Jennifer L Armentrout. I don’t like the bind up covers as much as I did when I first saw them. So yes, these books should have a cover change!
10. Totally should’ve kept the original covers
House of Night… again! They changed all the covers to bright covers, three books before the end! Which is so frustrating for me!!
11. Totally should’ve stopped at book one
Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. Okay, so I perhaps don’t mean it like one book. BUT! I liked Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight wasn’t bad. But I just can’t deal with the rest of the series. So heck, I should have stopped at book one rather than even attempting to read the rest of the series.

If you do this tag, please let me know in the comments down below so I can check it out!

This Thursday’s Tag: Rapid Fire Tag

This Thursday's Tag

I’m bringing back This Thursday’s Tag!

I’ll be giving my response to a few tags every other Thursday! Whether it’s a book-tuber tag or a blogger tag! I won’t be ‘tagging’ anyone as such, but you’re more than welcome to join in and do the tag as well! Just leave a link in my comments so I can check yours out!!

Here is the Rapid Fire Tag!


I heard about this from: Jesse at jessethereader

Original Tag: Kate at GirlReading

A link to the tag video/post: Rapid Fire Tag


Since this is supposed to be rapid fire, I’m going to set out the questions and BOLD my answer for the this or that style questions. I will type out a response if I think one is needed! But the initial answering will be done by bolding my answer as quickly as I can so I can stick to the whole ‘not really thinking about your answer’ part of the tag. I will then go back and type answer to the actual questions!

E-Book or Physical Book? 
My reason for physical over e-book is purely because I love collecting them and having physical books around me. I am way happier now to read an e-book than ever before, but I am still a hoarder… and love having the physical books in my collection.
Paperback or Hardback?
I love both, but I went with Hardback because they are (to me) more aesthetically pleasing on my bookshelf!
Online or In-Store Book Shopping?
I love shopping in store, but it’s just cheaper online…
Trilogies or Series?
I love both, but I can’t deny that series’ just make me happier because there is more room to discover the world and the characters. Most of my favourite sets are series as opposed to trilogies.
Heroes or Villains?
I love a good hero. Villains are great, but odds are, I want to know about the hero and would rather the villain just have a novella if they really need one (for example Fairest by Marissa Meyer!)
A book you want everyone to read?
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.
Recommend an underrated book?
Ready Player- No um. I don’t think that could be considered underrated anymore since it’s getting a movie made and directed by Steven Spielberg…
Let’s think then…
Okay, Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Not many people I know have read this book, but when someone I recommend it to DOES read it, they always enjoy it! Such a good book!
The last book you finished?
The Crown by Kiera Cass
The Last Book You Bought?
I last bought an audiobook, Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.
Weirdest Thing You’ve Used as a Bookmark?
I’ve used bus tickets and therefore on more than one occasion had to purchase the ticket again because I ‘lost’ the ticket… Reality, I just forgot I was using it as a bookmark.
Used Books: Yes or No?
Yes IF the condition is like new. I don’t mind creases on the spine as such, as it’s been read so of course there will be cracks, but I don’t want the pages to be damaged or discoloured. I want them to look like new on my shelf… But I couldn’t afford to always buy new books!
Top Three Favourite Genres?
Paranormal / Supernatural
Fairytale retellings
Borrow or Buy?
I hate borrowing books because that means I have to give them back… So buy, all the way.
Characters or Plot?
This one was tricky for me. I went with plot because there have been books where I didn’t like the characters but enjoyed the plot so I stuck it out and ended up loving the book. There has not been a book, that I can think of, where I loved the characters hated the plot and still ended up enjoying the book.
Long or Short Books?
This is a bad answer. I selected long, but in truth I don’t want a short or a long book. I want between 300 and 500 pages, that to me is a good length book. I’m not sure if that’s considered long or short, but that’s what I’m after!
Long or Short Chapters?
Short! Easy! It makes you think that you’re getting through the book quickly, even if you might not be!
Name The First Three Books You Think Of…
The Selection by Kiera Cass
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Ha, funnily enough I know why I instantly thought of all of those books! The Selection because I’m a little obessed with this series right now. Ready Player One because it’s being filmed where I live at the moment. And finally, City of Bones because I was on Netflix before doing this tag and saw The Shadowhunter series! Ha.
Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?
I love emotions. And if a book can make me cry, then it’s connected with me in a way that is rare. But I absolutely love it when a book can make me cry.
Our World or Fictional Worlds?
I love both, and really didn’t know what to select.I went with our world because of the last few books that I had read and came to mind, they’re all set in our world but in the future for example, Ready Player One is set in the future, The Red Pyramid is set in our world, they just have access to the duat, and The Fill-In Boyfriend is literally set in the present.
Audiobooks: Yes or No?
Yes, I absolutely love them. Though I’m not willing to pay the price for them so I have an audible subscription that gets me one audiobook a month. I wish I could afford more! But one is fine!
Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?
Yes… I hate doing it, but yes I do. I’m more likely to buy a book or look at a book if it has a pretty cover or spine… Plus then they look good on my bookshelf!
Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?
I chose book to movie purely because I’ve seen more of these than TV adaptations.
A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?
The Shadowhunter Series on Netflix. I am not a fan of City of Bones so I wasn’t too hyped for the show, but I love the show!
Series or Standalone’s?
Series! I prefer having a lot of time in one world, across a few books! Rather than a stand alone where you know when that book is over, it’s over. Of course I then have this feeling when it comes to a final book in a series as well, ha.

If you do this tag, please let me know in the comments down below so I can check it out!

This Thursday’s Tag: The Goodreads Tag

This Thursday's Tag

I’m bringing back This Thursday’s Tag!

I’ll be giving my response to a few tags every other Thursday! Whether it’s a book-tuber tag or a blogger tag! I won’t be ‘tagging’ anyone as such, but you’re more than welcome to join in and do the tag as well! Just leave a link in my comments so I can check yours out!!

Here is the Goodreads Tag!

Side note: I have done this tag before! But it’s now 2016! Which means my answers will have changed! Are you ready? Let’s begin!

I heard about this from: Ariel at Ariel Bissett

Original Tag: Unknown

A link to the tag video/post: THE GOODREADS TAG


  1. What book did you last mark as ‘read’?
    The Crown by Kiera Cass – I gave it a rating of 4.5 Stars. It was the 5th and final book in The Selection series.
  2. What are you ‘currently reading’?
    Happily Ever After by Kiera Cass
    The Deviants by C.J Skuses
    Full Metal Alchemist Volumes 1-2-3 by Hiromu Arakawa
  3. What was the last book you marked as ‘to be read’?
    The Epilogue by Kiera Cass 
  4. What book do you plan on reading next?
    Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige
  5. Do you use the Star-Rating System?
    Yes. This still hasn’t changed, but I really would like half stars!
  6. Are you doing the Goodreads Reading Challenge?
    I am! I gave myself the challenge of 40 books this year and I’ve currently read 29 books! But so far, three of them were novella’s and a couple were re-reads, and I’m about to add a collection of novellas to this list (though I will add the bind up of them, not the five individual ones!).
  7. Do you have a wishlist?
    I’m still not sure this feature exists… xD
  8. What book do you plan on buying next?
    I don’t currently plan on buying anything… I plan on waiting until I start back up at work which will be after my birthday so I know where I am on my wish list pile.
  9. Do you have favourite quotes on Goodreads?
    Funnily, I use the quote feature in my reviews, but hardly ever remember to save the quotes I’m using to this feature… So no, I don’t use it, but I do have some on the feature.
  10. Favourite Authors?
    Mine changes a lot!
  11. Have you joined any groups?
    I think I am a part of 5 groups, but I rarely ever check them out, honestly!

If you do this tag, leave a link below so I can check it out!!

This Thursday’s Tag: The Bookish Scenarios Book Tag

This Thursday's Tag

Hi all! I came up with this idea for a new weekly blog post on here, and it’s called ‘This Thursday’s Tag’. Essentially I’m going to be doing different book tags every Thursday. Whether it’s a book-tuber tag or a blogger tag! I won’t be ‘tagging’ anyone as such, but you’re more than welcome to join in and do the tag as well! Just leave a link in my comments so I can check yours out!!

Without further ado: Here is the Bookish Scenarios Book Tag

I heard about this from: Sasha at abookutopia

Original Tag: Unknown…

A link to the tag video: THE BOOKISH SCENARIOS BOOK TAG

  1. You can only keep one book from each of the following genre, what do you choose?
    – Contemporary – Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
    – Fantasy – Obsidian or Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
    – Non Fiction – All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher 
    – Science Fiction – Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 
  2. You recommend 1 book to someone who doesn’t like reading. What did you recommend?
    Ready Player One – There is something in this book for everyone, I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t enjoy this book.
  3. Which book do you read to put you in a good mood?
    Die For Me by Amy Plum or Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout. OR I’ll listen to Wil Wheaton read Ready Player One 
  4. What book would your teenage self be reading?
    I started blogging in 2010, 5 years ago. I was 16 when I started, so therefore I was into vampires! Twilight, House of Night, My Love Lies Bleeding or Infinite Days. 
  5. You have 1 hour to pack for a 4 day trip. Which 1 book do you pack?
    Holy crap. I don’t know. I’d probably pick one of the books I got recently so I could read a new book whilst I was away, rather than a book I’d read before.
  6. Your home was robbed! Everyone is fine, and nothing was stolen except for some of your books from your bookcase! Which book do you hope was safe?
    I’d hope my collectors edition of the Winnie The Pooh collection was safe. My boyfriend got it me for my 21st birthday as it has a lot of memories attached to it. I’d be devastated if I lost it.
  7. Your book was returned to you in bad condition. Do you:
    a) Ignore it
    b) Ask your friend (or ex-friend!) to replace the book
    c) Do the same to something they love
    I’d ask them to replace it, unless they had a genuine reason behind it – like there bookcase was effected by damn so the books on it was damage… I’d replace it myself if they had a genuine reason.

I’m intrigued, what would you do if your friend returned a book to you in bad condition?


If you do this tag, leave a link below so I can check it out!!